Sound Division invests in the City
Audio-visual contracting and entertainment service specialists Sound Division recently installed a distributed JBL sound system with accompanying zone control from Cloud into City-based stockbroking firm, Arjent Ltd.

The audio system provided by Sound Division formed part of the final development phase for Arjent's new dealer room. Arjent already had in place a large plasma screen linked to a Sky Digital box. Sound Division was asked to supply a distributed audio system to link the Sky Digital box so that the audio could be heard across the entire trading floor. To this end Sound Division installed twelve JBL Control 24C ceiling speakers in grid format across the trading floor and a control rack housed in a locking steel cabinet containing a Cloud CX-A66 power amplifier and a Cloud CX133 dual zone preamplifer/mixer, as well as the Sky Digital box and a multi-CD player, which will also be used for after-hours music entertainment. The Cloud preamp/mixer will allow for zoning into two separate areas as well as the input of other sources if required such as CD or DVD players.
Arjent managing director Tony Woodward is extremely pleased with the work carried out by Sound Division. "Of all the suppliers we dealt with in the process of installing our new dealer facility, Sound Division were by far and away the best," he said. "David Graham came in to discuss our requirements, he specified the system, and once we'd agreed on what we needed, we never saw them again! They came in over the weekend, put the system in as described, and by the time we came in on Monday morning, there it was. We turned it on, and it worked exactly as specified. There have been no problems whatsoever, everything runs like clockwork and does precisely what we wanted it to do. It makes a pleasant change from the other suppliers, all of whom have had to come back for one reason or another. Sound Division, on the other hand, have been a pleasure to deal with and, based on my experience, I would not hesitate to use them again or to recommend their services to anyone else."
May 2004