In September GAP’s flagship Oxford Street store hosted an interview with well known costume designer Jenn Rogien by Charlie Miller, Executive Fashion Director at Grazia magazine.
The event was part of GAP’s promotion of their ‘Back to Blue’ range. Jenn has previously worked at Saks Fifth Avenue and currently designs for Netflix’s ‘Orange is the New Black’ and HBO’s ‘GIRLS’.
Sound Division was contracted to provide full technical support for the event. The keynote presentation and showreel was displayed on two 50" NEC plasma screens using a Mac based video control system to allow clips to be played at critical moments within the interview.
A compact white Electro Voice PA system was provided together with a Shure handheld microphone for the presenter and a tie clip microphone for Jenn Rogien. To enhance the atmosphere and to reinforce the Gap brand, eight Core wireless LED uplighers were set to "Gap" blue and positioned around the pillars.
A Sound Division audio visual technician was on hand throughout the keynote speech and interview to ensure that everything ran smoothly.
September 2013