For the last two years Sound Division have been called upon to provide audio visual support to the various meetings organised during the creation of Etz Chaim, a new Jewish Free School in Mill Hill, North London.
The school provides primary and nursery education in a modern Orthodox Jewish environment. Currently housed in temporary accommodation, the school has been in discussion with the local community to develop a purpose-built site for the school at a site in Daws Lane. A number of concerns have been raised by the local community, and the governors of the school decided that meetings with local residents and parents was the best way to overcome any differences and concerns.
Radio microphones and a good quality sound reinforcement system have been provided for various meetings of the parties proposing the new school development. These included prospective parents, governors and teachers, as well as meetings with the local community which included presentations and question and answer sessions. When required, the company also provided a projector and screen system for the meetings to enable PowerPoint presentations to be displayed.

Adam Dawson, Chair of Governors, thanked Sound Division for their continuous support and commented that they always provided an "excellent service that ensured that all speakers could be clearly heard at our meetings which meant questions could be quickly answered".
David Graham, MD of Sound Division was pleased to once again be working in the local community "We are always happy to help with community projects. It is a pleasure to work with Adam and his team and we wish the fledgling Etz Chaim all success in these formative years".